- How do I change my board settings?
- What are discussion forums?
- How is forum content organized?
- Do I have to be registered to use the forums?
- How do I create a topic or post a reply?
- How do I set my profile and view other user profiles?
- How do I search the forums?
- What are watches?
- How do I post an image or photo?
- How does the ignore user feature work?
- How can I format the text of my posts?
- How do I check the spelling of my message?
- How does a post get into the Hall of Fame?
- What are these "points"?
- How do I get points?
- How many points do I need to get the steak knives?
How do I change my board settings?
Click the Change Board Settings link in the upper right (Board Settings).
What are discussion forums?
Discussion forums allow you to share ideas, opinions and
information quickly and easily. Organized by topics in an
easy-to-follow format, discussion forums are designed so you can
quickly locate information, find other knowledgeable users and
participate in conversations.
How is forum content organized?
The content in ChicagoBearsHQ Forums is structured as follows:
- Forum Categories: Categories represent a collection of forums as well as other categories. Often, categories are used to organize forums into a tree structure so members can find the right discussions more easily.
- Forums: Forums are the areas where individual discussions take place as a listing of topics.
- Topics: Topics (also known as "threads") are the discussions that consist of one or more messages displayed as a list, or in a tree structure of messages and their replies.
- Messages: Messages are the individual discussion posts made by community members.
- Replies: Message replies are posts in response to other messages and are organized in a flat or threaded mode.
Do I have to be registered to use the forums?
You must register in order to post, reply to messages and view the index of messages. Individual messages are open without registration. To register, just click on Member Registration and fill in the appropriate information.
How do I create a topic or post a reply?
To start a new topic, choose the appropriate
forum and select Post New Topic. Type your topic header in the subject line and
type a message in the message box. Before you are about to post, you can spell
check your message
by clicking on Spell Check. You can also choose to
watch the topic (which will add it to you watch list, and allow you
to receive email notifications when new posts are made) by clicking
the Watch This Topic box.
When you are satisfied with your message, you can preview your message to see how it will appear when posted by clicking on Preview. Or you can post your message without previewing it by clicking Post Message.
To post a reply to a topic, select the reply icon next to the message you would like to reply to. If you want to respond to specific text from the original message, click on Quote Original, and that will add the text from the original post in your message.
How do I set my profile and view other user profiles?
To create or update your profile, click on
Your Control Panel. Your profile, forums
preferences and watch settings may be set from here. To edit these
settings, fill in your updated information, then click
To view the profile for any user who has posted to the forums, click on their username wherever you see it as a link. You can also search for their username or ID using the search feature.
When you are in a Forum page, you can click on Search Forum to use an advanced search page where you can narrow your search by specifying a date range or filtering by username.
What are watches? (premium)
A watch notifies you if the topic you are interested in
has been updated. Notifications may be sent through the web or
To add a topic to your watch list, click on the Watch This Topic link at the top of the topic page. Click on Stop Watching Topic to end the email notifications. After 30 days, inactive watches automatically expire.
To see the current list of topics you are watching, click on "Your Control Panel" then "Watches". From this screen you can choose to receive email notifications when new posts are made. Just click on Add Email Notification next to the topic for which you want to be notified.
You can delete a watch by clicking in the Delete tick box for the watch you want to delete, then clicking the Delete button.
How do I post an image or photo?
If the image is already on the internet, you can use an html img tag like this: < img src="http://www.some-site.com/your-image.jpg">
Remove the space between the < and img.
If it is not on the internet, you can click the "Attach Files" button when making a post, and choose the file from your computer.
Or, you can upload it to any free image hosting site, such as http://postimage.org, then use the above method.
How does the ignore user feature work? (premium)
To ignore a user, click the ignore icon(megaphone with an x) to the right of the users's logo inside a post, or on their member profile.
To hide all your ignored users posts, click the button labeled "Hide Ignored Users Posts". To show the posts again, click the button labeled "Show Ignored Users Posts".
Ignored users will not be able to send you T-Mail either.
To un-ignore a user, click the same icon you used to ignore them. You may manage your ignored users list in user settings here: /edit/account.do#tabs-ignored
How can I format the text of my posts?
To format your message text, there are three buttons
for Bold, Italics and
Underline. Clicking on these buttons will add tags
to the message field.
For example, typing: "This is [b]bold[/b] text, and this is [i]italicized[/i] text" will appear as "This is bold text, and this is italicized text" once you post the message.
How do I check the spelling of my message? (premium)
To check the text of your message for proper
spelling, just click Spell Check on the
post screen.
If our spell check dictionary doesn't recognize a word in your message, it will appear in a box. You can correct it yourself by simply typing over what is displayed. If the dictionary has any suggestions, you will be able to see them in the suggestion box.
To choose one of the suggestions, simply select the suggestion you'd like to use and click on the Change button for each of the words you would like changed.
When you are finished checking your entire message, click on Post Message to save your changes and post the message with your spelling corrections. If you want to continue editing your message, hit Go Back or Edit to return to the post message area.
Message and Poster Ratings
How does a post get into the Hall of Fame?
A post that gets over 30 votes will be copied into it's Hall of Fame board.
What are these "points"?
Points and titles are a way to show how active you are in the community.
How can I earn points?
You get a point when someone clicks the thumbs up icon on one of your posts.